My Quest

This blog is the tale of my quest for home-made, low-salt, traditional, rustic and innovative cuisine. Special attention is given to restaurants and food suppliers in special locations, such as locally owned farms, farmer's markets, walkable people places, water view properties and to properties of notable architectural merit. Restaurants and inns are considered in light of sustainability efforts as well, and noted with a green apple for special efforts to conserve and sustain.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Summer Home Feast

The silver lining to the endless heat of this summer has been the feast easily prepared at home thanks to the Stew Leonard's $3.99 per pound lobster. The sweet corn accompanying these 1 to 11/4 lb treats and a salad or green beans side make for a simple and delicious meal which is sure to bring a smile to everyone. The occasional splatter is part of the fun, and a deep bowl in the middle of the table is now a tradition of the meal. Since our own Long Island lobsters are struggling in their population it makes the taste of these Maine imports all the more enjoyable. Brought home still squirming in the bag, they are so fresh that salting the water is optional.

1 comment:

  1. Delicious Lobster dinners somewhat frequently through out the summer? I couldnt ask for more!
